
Clan anschauen




A man of concsious wisdom
 user posted image
A man of wisdom
A foolish man stirs up strife between others while a man of wisdom sows the seeds of love.
A fool sows seeds of discord between the brethren, while wise men sow peace.
A fool races forward in ventures where angels fear to trod, while a wise man meditates and prays before making decisions and always walks with patience.
A fool boasts of his own accomplishments and sounds his own horn, while a man of wisdom seeks no praise because he knows praise is a fleeting thing, but rather walks with humility.
A fool is quick to anger while a man of wisdom is slow to wrath and walks with temperance in all things.
A fool can be relied on for only one thing, to be foolish, while wise man will always act with wisdom.

Eigenschaften des Clans

Gesamte Mitgliederplätze: 30

Anzahl Clan-Schließfächer: 1

Clan-Notruf: alle 30 Minuten

Maximale Clan-Abgabe: 7%

Clan-Training: 100 Erfahrungspunkte

Clan-Kontolimit: 300.000 Goldmünzen

Vermessung: alle 10 Stunden

Clan-Magie: Zauber der Stufe 0 einsetzbar

Clan-Turmmanipulation: erhöhte Chance von 1%

Clan-Turmerweiterung: 0 Effekte versiegelbar



Gesamt-XP des Clans

39.089 Erfahrungspunkte (Rang)


Clan-Leader: Gelmir Nenharma

Namen der Mitglieder

Gelmir Nenharma
